Cambridge Advanced Exam Booster

Author(s): Carole Allsop | Mark Litle | Anne Robinson

Level: CAE, CEFR C1

With Answers & Audio

Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam.

Focus on essential exam practice with the First Exam Booster for Advanced. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 55 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while Exam facts provide practical information about each task. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and 'Get it right' boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam. This Exam Booster is suitable for Cambridge English: Advanced.

Work on your Grammar Pre-Intermediate

Author(s): Collins UK

Level: KET, CEFR A2

With Answers

Hundreds of exercises to get you to the next level.
Collins Work on your Grammar - Pre-Intermediate (A2) is a new practice book that covers the key grammar points needed by learners of English at Pre-Intermediate level (CEF level A2).

This book is an essential resource for learners who want to improve their English grammar. Each of the 30 units presents a different area of grammar using clear language and examples. This is followed by practice exercises to ensure the learner will remember and be able to use what they have learnt with confidence in their written and spoken English.

The grammar covered in Collins Work on your Grammar - Pre-Intermediate (A2) has been carefully selected based on Collins Corpus research and the experience of our language experts. As a result, this book provides plenty of useful practice with authentic, up-to-date examples of language usage in context. A carefully structured layout and simple illustrations make sure the language is always clear and the book is easy to navigate. Collins Work on your Grammar - Pre-Intermediate (A2) is ideal for self-study or for use in the classroom, and is an essential resource for students and teachers.

Richmond KET Practice Tests

Author(s): Sue Elliott | Sue Ireland | Karen Saxby

Level: KET, CEFR A2

With Student's Book | Teacher's Book & Audio

The Richmond Practice Tests  will familiarize students with the form and layout of their chosen Cambridge English Language Assessment exam and will give them vital practice in the language, skills and strategies they need to do well on the day. Both books have been written by experienced examiners and offer perfect support for the Richmond Target exams series or any general English course.

Oxford KET Practice Test

Author(s): Annette Cpel | Sue Ireland

Level: KET, CEFR A2

With Answers & Audio

Practice tests help your students know what to expect in the exam, feel more confident and improve their results. Our practice tests reflect the format and level of the real exam and are written by highly experienced exam teachers or examiners.

The online exam practice at gives students a chance to study at home with instant support at the click of a button. This includes automatic marking with feedback on answers, an online dictionary look-up, exam tips, audio scripts, sample answers and useful language for the Speaking test.

KET Practice Tests Plus

Author(s): Peter Lucantoni

Level: KET, CEFR A2

With Student's Book | Teacher's Book | Audio

The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests at exam level and in exam format for KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS and Michigan ECPE and ECCE levels. Each book introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling.

KET for Schools Trainer

Author(s): Karen Saxby

Level: KET, CEFR A2

With Answers & Audio

Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success.

KET for Schools Trainer is the perfect companion for KET for Schools exam preparation. As well as six full practice tests, it offers easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The first two tests are fully guided with step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities are informed by a bank of real candidate’s exam papers and focus on areas where students typically need most help. The 'with answers' edition also includes teacher's notes with ideas for setting up and extending tasks in the classroom.

Cambridge Key for Schools 2

Author(s): Cambridge ESOL

Level: KET, CEFR A2

With Answers & Audio

Cambridge English Key for Schools 2 contains four complete and authentic examination papers for Cambridge English: Key for Schools (KET for Schools).

This collection is aimed at a young audience, and provides the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques.

This book contains a clear explanation of marking and grading, authentic sample answers, a comprehensive section of keys and recording scripts, and frameworks to help with thorough preparation for the Speaking test.

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